Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Living In Sin - Chapter 1

It was a cold late September, I climbed out of my fathers car and walked up to the school. I heard my dad yell back at me, "Krystal, have a good day!" I stopped cold and with a scowl. 

Have a good day? Have a good day? have a good day....How the hell could I have a good day? We just had to pack up and move from Florida all the way the Sayreville, New Jersey. I had to leave my few friends behind, had to get rid of our dog, and to make it worse....My mom had became extremely sick. The doctors said it could possibly be a flu like disease....but they weren't sure. My father tried to tell me it wasn't really bad, but he didn't know I had already heard it from the doctor....

I was lost in thought, pulling my leather jacket closer to my body as the cold wind bit into my skin. My parents wanted to move to New Jersey because they said it was good for 'financial matters' and they added on the fact going to a new school would be good for me, so they decided to let me go to Sayreville War Memorial High School. We need change. Change is good. Change is good? My ass. I thought. 

I didn't realize I had been standing there, right in the middle of the......Hallway. When did I make it to the hallway? ugh, zoning out was bad for me. Suddenly I got knocked sideways by someone, I shot my hands out to catch myself from falling to the ground, and shoved my hands against the locker, my bag dropping to the floor. 

"H-Hey! Watch where you--" I was interrupted.

"I'm sorry..." Said the person who knocked into me. 

But it wasn't that he said 'i'm sorry' right when I was talking, It wasn't that that interrupted me.....It was....just, him. His perfect jaw line, his full lips, his body, he looked so.......beautiful,His hair was a little past shoulder length, He was the only guy i'd seen with long hair so far in the school.....not that i'd really paid any attention. His hair was a light brown and it looked so soft,  an-.....and oh god, his eyes, they were the bluest eyes ever, a true and deep blue....a different kind of blue i've ever seen, like it was a completely different color. 

He laughed a kind of awkward laugh, oh my god how long was I staring what....oh my god I look like an idiot i'm sure, I took a quick deep breath and laughed. "Oh, It's alright...I wasn't watching what I was doing I was just...not paying attention..... and I just--" His lips faintly curled to a smirk. And i'm dead again. I thought. "Calm down, It's alright. It's my fault." He said, his voice smooth and cool. My heart thudded to the ground and I found myself smiling like an idiot. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what I looked like.

"Oh...My name is--" And I was interrupted again, The bell split through the air and I suddenly realized the other student's around us. Two seconds ago I hadn't realized, It felt like him and I were the only ones in the hallway. He looked around quickly as the smirk he had been wearing faded away. "....I gotta go...." he said, kneeling down to pick up my bag for me and handing it to me. I took the bag and my hand brushed against his, God I didn't even know his name and I could willingly say to myself I was half in love. Before I could say anything else he turned away and walked towards what I figured was the class he was supposed to be in. But before he turned I caught one last glimpse of his deep blue eyes.........

The rest of that day I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off that boy. I couldn't keep my mind from whirling. My stomach getting butterflies every time I thought he looked my way. I couldn't help it! That whole day, I couldn't work up the guts to talk to him again. Besides....He probably thought I was an idiot anyway. I rolled my eyes  and mentally kicked myself. Idiot....

The next day of school I didn't see him in any of the classes, the whole day. I worried he got sick, or something happened. But then I thought, It was possible he skipped....
That whole day was boring and long. I didn't realize how long I spent my day yesterday staring and thinking about that boy...

Finally , the third day of school he was there. It was during lunch, He was sitting at a table by himself, in the very back. Sunglasses covering his eyes and a notebook right next to him. As I watched him he was quickly jolting stuff down on the paper. I carried my tray through the lunch room, Tearing my eyes from him for a few minutes to try and find a place to sit. 
I saw a table with plenty of room. There was a girl sitting there with a couple of her friends giggling and laughing. I considered sitting there but-- 

"Sorry....You can't sit here." Said one of the girls, smiling. 

It wasn't one of those 'sorry' smiles, it wasn't even a polite smile, it was one of those smiles, Those smiles you get when someone is trying to be smart at you, but in a way where no one else but you can tell. One of those smiles that I despise. I stared at the girl with narrowed eyes, I knew this girl. She had been in the classes with me, always raising her hand and smiling and giggling. What was her name.......? 

It didn't matter. I didn't wanna sit at her table anyway, All that giggling and laughing would make me claw my skull out.

"Whatever." I said shortly , rolled my eyes and walked on. But behind me I continued to hear giggling and laughing and.... "So Dorothea, Are you going to ask John to the prom?" said one of the girls. 

Dorothea! That was it! That was her! ......I didn't like her. I thought to myself, Hmm , I wonder whose John. 

Finally I decided to walk over to the table the boy was sitting at.I smiled to myself, though my legs got shakey. I could turn back now, I can't do this. I'm an idiot. It's too soon anyway! What the hell is wrong with me?! Ugh! Okay , turning away now--


Well god damnit , he saw me. Too late. But part of me was so happy that he saw me, at the same time. 

I didn't sit down, but instead stood right in front of him, without realizing. "Hi....uh....You don't mind if I sit here?" I asked.

He closed his notebook and put it on his lap. "No....No I don't." Suddenly the same faint smirk that he gave me in the hallway curled at his lips. I was beginning to live for this smirk. 

"What's your name...? I didn't get it before the bell went off yesterday." He said.

"Er, It was...two days ago," I corrected.Then felt bad. "Ooh..." he said quietly. I hurried on. "Uh, But my name is Krystal." I smiled. 

"I love your name. I'm John." He said in that cool and smooth voice. A voice that surrounded me when he spoke, a voice that rose my heart out of my chest and then made it drop to my feet. 

And there it was, John. I smiled brightly. John. John. The name that would now be stuck to my mind for god knows how long. 

I look at him and he pulls his sunglasses off and sits them on the table and I catch a glance of his deep blue eyes.


Those deep blue eyes........

I can't live through the rest of this school, I'll die before the end of this grade. 

Then suddenly something snaps, "So Dorothea, you going to ask John out for the prom?" 

